5 steps to becoming more organised
Are you a tomorrow person?
Not like in the show, but rather, do whatever you can to not do what you have to do. Procrastination in short. To be fair, 'It's long from being due, I'll do it tomorrow', 'there's still time' comes out of my mouth more times in a day than I'd care to admit. But as always, tomorrow never comes and no, there is never time left to meet deadlines when you finally realise there is no way you can continue sitting on your ass and getting your soul sucked from watching Netflix.
Though I do love nothing more than munching on sweet and salty popcorn, mindlessly sitting through hours of TV series on Netflix (Netflix is love, Netflix is life), I seriously underestimated the work load this last year was going to bring. Having a relaxing timetable is honestly so deceiving. That being said, I do need to focus and camp in the library for a few days to get some work done.
Being a lazy bum, you can only imagine the mess I live in (workable mess, if I might salvage my reputation). Therefore, I shall try to be neater / more organised / more responsible / hardworking ... blah blah blah. So here are some little things that I do / am trying to do to keep my life more in check. Call it my resolution so my future self will thank me.
#1 Make lists:
I love lists. Or rather ticking and crossing things off lists. I practically have lists for everything. Chores that need to be done, groceries and household items I need to get, errands I have to run, you get the gist. It helps such that you wont end up leaving something important out or completely forgetting about it. Unless of course you forget to even put it on the list (to which i have nothing to say).
#2 Actually get things done:
Yep, the dishes aren't going to do themselves and the laundry is not going to be folded nicely and fly into your closet. Though if there ever is some machine that can do that, TAKE MY MONEYYYY. Getting down to doing it is difficult but you just have to get into it and you will be on a roll soon enough. I try to 'force' myself to get chores done by planning something after or putting it before I go out or go to bed. Almost like a reward system.
#3 Do important things first:
Which brings me back to the lists. Have a colour code or a separate section for things you have to do that are top priority and get to it first thing in the morning or afternoon (i'm not a morning person). Apparently, the brain will be more focused and awake then, so do important things that require the mind first before you drift off and get distracted with anything and everything (trust me, analysing the strands of thread on the carpet can sometimes be more interesting than getting work done). And as the day drags on, involve yourself in the little chores of tidying up, and running errands.
#4 Check mail:
This is a tough one I have to say. I'm one of those idiots who have hundreds of unread mail. Which is why you'd be better off trying to get me on Facebook or something, just in case. I mean, what is worse than sifting through junk mail right when you get up? Better off scrolling and double tapping (if you know what I mean, high five!) But well, this has been something I have tried to do (who am I kidding) and I guess should try a little harder at doing. I think it will help to make you feel like you are actually doing something important and that you should continue doing important things (like the essay and set of workshop questions - eeep!)
#5 Netflix and chill:
Well, we need to relax once in a while right? And what better way than to really be relaxed and enjoy all your favourite shows without that feeling of doom at the back of your mind (actually that might just be guilt). Anyway, whichever it is, chill first then get scared and do work, or finish everything and chill, have at least a few hours even minutes if you are busy to do something you enjoy. Well I enjoy drawing and stuff but at the end of a long day, Netflix is just the answer.
Losing my schedule book definitely is not helping my situation but I did make one today (as proven above). And I did fill it out with the things I needed to get done, just saying. But #2 obviously did not happen. So, this post has made me feel like some high level procrastinator. But one small step at a time is better than nothing at all right? Well that is what I tell myself at least, to make me feel better about being such a sloth. I can see now why my friend compares me to Snorlax. Let google educate you if you do not know what that is.
Which technically is a pretty accurate description (lol).
x, Amelia